Friday 29 January 2016

Israeli vulture detained in Lebanon on suspicion of being a spy

(CNN)Imagine Jason Bourne -- but with feathers, claws and two-meter wingspan.

 A griffon vulture, like the one held in Lebanon. In a similar incident in 2011, officials in Saudi Arabia 'detained' a vulture on suspicion of being an Israeli spy, according to<a href="" target="_blank"> Israel's Maariv-NRG news site.</a> It was also carrying a GPS transmitter causing locals to suspect the worst.
A vulture that flew into Lebanon from an Israeli nature reserve has been captured on suspicion of spying, according to local media reports.
Gamla Nature Reserve tracked the bird to near the southern Lebanese village of Bint Jbeil, which is just a few kilometers over the border from Israel -- then reports began trickling in that the bird was being held by locals who suspected it because it had Israeli tags and devices.
A series of pictures also surfaced: one of a vulture with Israeli tags and a rope tied around its leg; another of a transmitter on the same bird's back; and another of two men displaying the bird's massive wingspan.
Pictures of the vulture show what appears to be a transmitter on its back.
The huge griffin vulture -- which is part of a conservation project to restore the raptors in the Middle East -- has a metal ring on its leg indicating it is from Tel Aviv University, tags on its wings, and a GPS transmitter attached to its tail.
"[Locals in Lebanon] caught the bird for sure," says Ohad Hatzofe, bird ecologist at the reserve in the Golan Heights, which Israel occupied from Syria in 1967. "They were holding the bird in their hands."
The vulture was released in the same place it was caught after it was "certain that it was not carrying any hostile [spying] equipment," according CNN. Since then, the Israeli parks authority has not been able to track where the vulture went and is worried about its health.
Hatzofe dismissed the idea of a vulture spy as "senseless" but added: "I can understand the suspicions with the history we have in this region."

Symptoms,Diagnosis,& Possible First aid Treatment of Zika

    PAHO Statement...



  • About 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill (i.e., develop Zika).
  • The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red eyes). Other common symptoms include muscle pain and headache. The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) for Zika virus disease is not known, but is likely to be a few days to a week.
  • The illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting for several days to a week.
  • Zika virus usually remains in the blood of an infected person for a few days but it can be found longer in some people.
  • Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon.
  • Deaths are rare.


  • The symptoms of Zika are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya, diseases spread through the same mosquitoes that transmit Zika.
  • See your healthcare provider if you develop the symptoms described above and have visited an area where Zika is found.
  • If you have recently traveled, tell your healthcare provider when and where you traveled.
  • Your healthcare provider may order blood tests to look for Zika or other similar viruses like dengue or chikungunya.


  • No vaccine or medications are available to prevent or treat Zika infections.
  • Treat the symptoms:
    • Get plenty of rest
    • Drink fluids to prevent dehydration
    • Take medicines, such as acetaminophen or paracetamol, to relieve fever and pain
    • Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen and naproxen. Aspirin and NSAIDs should be avoided until dengue can be ruled out to reduce the risk of hemorrhage (bleeding). If you are taking medicine for another medical condition, talk to your healthcare provider before taking additional medication.
  • If you have Zika, avoid mosquito bites for the first week of your illness.
    • During the first week of infection, Zika virus can be found in the blood and passed from an infected person to another mosquito through mosquito bites.
    • An infected mosquito can then spread the virus to other people.

WHO says Zika virus spreads explosively, four million cases forecast


The Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is "spreading explosively" and could infect as many as 4 million people in the Americas, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.
Director-General Margaret Chan told members of the U.N. health agency's executive board the spread of the mosquito-borne disease had gone from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions. The WHO would convene an emergency meeting on Monday to help determine its response, she said.
"The level of alarm is extremely high," Chan told the Geneva gathering.
"Last year, the virus was detected in the Americas, where it is now spreading explosively. As of today, cases have been reported in 23 countries and territories in the region," Chan said, promising quick action from the WHO.
The agency was criticized last year for reacting too slowly to West Africa's Ebola epidemic, which killed more than 10,000 people, and it promised to cut its response time.
"We are not going to wait for the science to tell us there is a link (with birth defects). We need to take actions now," Chan said, referring to the condition called microcephaly in which babies are born with abnormally small heads and brains that have not developed properly.
There is no vaccine or treatment for Zika, which is like dengue and causes mild fever, rash and red eyes. An estimated 80 percent of people infected have no symptoms. Much of the effort against the illness focuses on protecting people from mosquitoes and reducing mosquito populations.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Biafra Agitation: EU High Representative Gives Condition For Independence

Against the backdrop of the request by Biafra agitators and the organization of Emerging African States (OEAS) for the referendum to be conducted on the independence of Republic of Biafra, the European Union has replied the agitators.
Image result for biafra photosImage result for biafra photosImage result for biafra photos

The Biafra had earlier through OEAS requested that the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Federica Mogherini, to wade into the need to conduct a referendum for Biafra’s independence.
Sahara Reporters reported that  the OEAS  also called for the release of those it described as Biafran political prisoners and a stay of action by the Nigerian troops, and for quick referendum to be held within 90 days.

In response to this request, Mogherini told Dr. Jonathan Levy, OEAS chief administrative officer, that while the European Union has strong diplomatic and economic relationship with Nigeria, the “protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms remains a priority for the EU and we encourage the authorities [Nigeria] in every occasion to respect such rights.”
The EU further went on to caution the OEAS and Biafran that the push for self-determination and border changes must be carried out within the ambits of established international law.
It added that Biafra can only be recognized through international law and not through armed secession.
The OEAS had  been pushing  for an internationally recognized referendum on Biafra independence or autonomy.

In the same vein, OEAS advised that  all nonviolent means should be utilized including general strikes, economic boycotts, work actions, demonstrations, lawsuits, and civil disobedience. Nigeria is a member of The International Labor Organization (ILO).
The ILO recognizes the right to engage in general strikes and the right to strike is also recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 (Article 8(1)(d)).
Below is a copy of the letter:
Meanwhile, former president Olusegun Obasanjo had continued to hit hard on Biafra agitators lashing out on pro-Biafra movement describing it as dead agitation which was borne out of sheer ignorance and error of judgment.
He added that those involved in the current agitation in support of Biafra were embarking on a hopeless and futile exercise, which no serious-minded Nigerian should ever become a part of.

GBAM:70-Year-Old Pastor Begs Court For Divorce

Pastor Caleb Oluwafisibe has pleaded with an Ojo Customary Court in Lagos to dissolve his 41-year -old marriage because his wife Titilayo was starving him of sex.
It was reported that a 70-year-old pastor told the court that he was already practicing a celibate life, even as a married man.
“Since I married my wife in June 1975, it’s been marriage and separation in two phases because any situation was determined by what I could offer.
“We were living well until 1998 when things became tough with me. We separated from 1998 to 2006, when my church transferred me out to the East,’’ he said.
According to Oluwafisibe, his wife had a negative influence on their children as they had opposite views on their welfare and education. Therefore, they always quarreled because of them.

The pastor also told the court that his wife refused him sex since 2006 till date and that forced him to practice a life of celibacy.
“I even had a special prayer for my wife for three years to see if God would intervene in the difficult situation and change her personality,’’ he added.
Oluwafisibe begged the judge to separate their union, so he could move on with his life.
However, the pastor’s wife debunked her husband’s allegation, saying that he was treating her without any tender and decent respect.
“He calls himself a pastor yet he does not have regard for his family. He has really caused so much division among our children,’’ she said.
In her remark, Veronica Willoughby, the court president, called on Oluwafisibe to reconsider his prayer of dissolution, as a man of God.

“As a pastor, you should seek peace and not separation. I will give you a second chance to go back and reconsider your intention.
“You have both failed in the training of your children by using them as a point of disagreement. Your children are your collective responsibilities,’’ she said.
The case was adjourned the case till February 16, 2016.

BREAKING NEWS: Gareth Bales Suffer Calf Injury

The winger scored in Saturday's win 5-1 win over Sporting Gijon but was substituted after complaining of discomfort in his calf
 Real Madrid confirm Bale injury

Real Madrid have confirmed that Gareth Bale has suffered a calf injury after undergoing tests at a hospital.

The winger scored in the 5-1 win over Sporting Gijon on Saturday but limped off before half-time after complaining of discomfort in his leg.

After further tests, Madrid have released a statement revealing the extent of his problem, but stopped short of confirming his length of absence.

"After tests on Gareth Bale at the University Hospital Sanitas La Moraleja, the player has been diagnosed with a muscle injury in the soleus of the right leg. The severity of the injury will depends how it evolves."

The injury couldn't have come at a worse time for Bale, with the forward enjoying some of his finest form since joining the club in 2013.

Buhari appoint Another Northern against as NDLEA Boss

 Muhammadu Buhari AU summit

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Muhammad Abdallah as the new the new Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of the National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA.
The Secretary to Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, made the announcement on Monday through a statement signed by Bolaji Adebiyi, Director of Press, SGF Office.
According to the statement, the appointment which takes effect from January 11 will be for a first tenure of five years.
Mr. Abdallah, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Nigeria Army, has a Certificate of Education from Nigeria Defence Academy in 1977, a Bachelor’s Degree in American Politics and Government from Sam Houston State University, Huntville, Texas, USA in 1989, an M. A. Public Administration, LLB and LLM Degrees from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 2005 and 2011 respectively and Bachelor of Law from the Nigeria Law School in 2006.
The statement noted that Mr. Abdallah is a Professional Security Officer whose public service career spanned over 30 years during which he served in various capacities and strategic positions in the military.
Born on November 13, 1954, the new NDLEA boss is from Hong, Adamawa, State

Agreement to recover stolen fund signed Between Nigeria and UAE

 Muhammadu Buhari AU summit

Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Tuesday in Abu Dhabi signed six agreements to enhance bilateral relations between them.
The signing of the agreements on trade, finance and judicial matters was witnessed by President Muhammadu Buhari and the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Nigeria’s Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, and the UAE Minister of State for Financial Affairs, Obaid Attayar, signed the Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement, while the Minister of Trade and Investment, Okechukwu Enelamah, signed the Agreement on Trade Promotion and Protection with the UAE Minister of State for Financial Affairs.
The Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami, and his counterpart in the United Arab Emirates, Bin Saeed Albadi, signed the Judicial Agreements on Extradition, Transfer of Sentenced Persons, Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal Matters, and Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal and Commercial Matters, which includes the recovery and repatriation of stolen wealth.
At a reception after the signing of the agreements, President Buhari reiterated his commitment to fighting corruption and restoring Nigeria’s dignity in the comity of nations.
The president also urged all Islamic countries to support the fight against terrorism in Nigeria and denounce the atrocities of Boko Haram as un-Islamic and against the teachings of Prophet Mohammed.
In his remarks, Prince Zayed Al Nahyan said the relationship between Nigeria and the UAE would be strengthened by President Buhari’s visit and the signing of the agreements.

Breaking: Court grants PDP spokesman, Metuh, N400 million bail


A Federal High Court in Abuja on Tuesday, January 19, granted the national publicity secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Olisa Metuh bail.
At his ruling, the judge presiding over the case, Okon Abang said the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

“I have again carefully considered the provision of section 162 ofthe act and the counter affidavit by the respondent,” Abang said.
He also said that the truth of the allegation that Metuh tore his statement while under detention is yet to be ascertained.
Abang continued: “The court of law cannot act on speculation. The allegations against the applicant by the EFCC cannot be used to deny the defendant bail.
Conditions for the bail include: a bail bond of N400 million, two sureties, who must be resident in Abuja and owners of property in Maitama, Abuja with statutory registration of occupancy.
The certificate of occupancy must be verified by the chief judge of the Federal High Court.
Abang also ordered that the EFCC must within 24 hours verify the property in writing to the court.
The sureties must also deposit his three years tax clearance to the court, an affidavit of means and two passport photographs.
Metuh is also expected to deposit his travel passport with the court.
The judge however in his ruling refused to grant bail to Metuh based on self-recognizance.
He said this is an effort by the court to balance arguments by both parties.
At resumption of the matter, the defending counsel, Chris Uche said: “My Lord it may be pertinent to note that the respondent made a very vague allegation that the defendant tore some pages of his statement.
He further noted that the EFCC since making its allegation have failed to produce evidence of the torn statements before the court.
He also said that the EFCC had in paragraph 5 of their pool of evidence noted that investigation into Metuh’s matter has been “substantially concluded”.
Citing Section 162 of the Administrative Criminal Justice Act (ACJA) said a respondent shall file a charge only when the investigation is concluded.
He also said that however, the charge brought before the court by the commission is a bailable offence.
He prayed the court to passionately consider the application.
Uche said: “My lord even court have given bail to Dasuki who is said to be the source of the money and even Dokpesi; people whose money is more than our own.”
He further said his client is a well known Nigerian, being represented by very senior legal representatives and will not jump bail.
He also said that the second prayer of the applicant is a consequential relief backed by the primary relief.
He said the relief is to protect any other made by the court and also avoid any form of ridicule to the orders of the court.
“My lord, the practice these days is when an accused person is brought before the court and granted bail a fresh charge arises and re-arrested,” Uche said.
He urged the court to add a directive that will protect the dignity of the court.
He also decried the state at which Metuh was brought into the court.
“My lord, the accused was brought here in handcuffs. The last time he was not brought in handcuffs, did he run?” Uche asked.
He said the country is not under military rule and thus no need for such actions.
EFCC counsel, Sylvanus Tahir in his objection said the application by the accused person lacks necessary materials.
He said the charges are offences punishable with a minimum of three years imprisonment.
Tahir, citing the section 162 paragraph C of the ACJA asked the court to take into cognizant the tendency that if granted bail, the applicant might jump bail.
He also reiterated that the applicant had torn and tried to chew a statement he had written to the commission before his arraignment.
He said all seven charges against Metuh is based on money laundering and related offences.
Objecting to the applicants prayer for a directive against the commission if court orders are flouted, Tahit said that other offences maybe unearthed during the course of investigation.
He said granting Metuh bail will also amount to interference with ongoing investigation by the anti-graft agency.
Metuh is accused of having collected N400 million from former president Goodluck Jonathan by the EFCC.
The accused having accepted receiving such money from Jonathan has however refused to disclose details of the assignments he did for the former president.
Metuh has been in detention since Tuesday, January 5 and was also reported to have torn and chewed a statement he wrote at the EFCC.

AC Milan Forward Summoned to court Over Age Alteration

A former AC Milan forward Yusupha Yaffa has been summoned to court in Italy after allegedly altering his age and telling the Serie A club that he was 16 year old when he was signed in 2013, whereas he was 25.
 A former AC Milan forward Yusupha Yaffa has been summoned to court in Italy after allegedly altering his age
The Gambian international who now plies his trade for German outfit, MSV Duisburg Duisburg having left Eintracht Frankfurt on loan, joined Milan’s youth set-up three years ago before going on to become a regular in their Under-19 side.
The UK Independent citing Gazzetta dello Sport, reports that Italian authorities revealed that after Yaffa lost his identity papers during his asylum registration in 2009, he stated that his birthday was December 31, 1996, when his real birth date is said to be the February 14, 1987.
However, Yaffa has denied the charge, but former head coach Filippo Inzaghi and club executives Adriano Galliani and Barbara Berlusconi could all be required to attend the trial to give evidence.
It was gathered that Yaffa was investigated after he had commented on his Facebook in which he spoke of his previous schooling and not his current one, given he was alleged to be 16 years old at the time.
Yaffa is however not new to court cases after he was arrested in January 2015 for rape after an incident at a team-mate house.
But his club at that time, Eintracht Frankfurt, posted the €100,000 bail meaning that Yaffa only spent one night in custody.
However, should the allegations of him giving false information surrounding his age prove true, he could then be tried in a regular court as opposed to a juvenile one and could face a charge of fraud back in Italy.

Friday 15 January 2016

EFCC To Investigate Alex Badeh and Many Others (See Full List)


On the recommendation of the committee established to audit the procurement of arms and equipment in the Armed Forces and Defence sector from 2007 to 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to  carry out further investigation into the misconduct established against the following retired and serving officers of the Nigerian Air Force and Nigerian Army:
(1)​Air Chief Marshal AS ​Badeh (Rtd)
(2)​Air Marshal ​MD ​Umar ​ (Rtd)
(3)​Air Marshal​ AN ​Amosu (Rtd)
(4)​ Maj-​Gen. ​ER ​Chioba (Rtd)
(5)​AVM​​ IA​ Balogun (Rtd)
(6)​AVM ​AG​ Tsakr ​ (Rtd)
(7)​AVM​​ AG​ Idowu (Rtd)
(8)​AVM ​AM ​Mamu
(9)​AVM ​OT ​Oguntoyinbo
(10)​AVM ​T ​Omenyi
(11)​AVM ​JB ​Adigun
(12)​AVM​​ RA ​Ojuawo
(13)​AVM ​​JA ​Kayode-Beckley
(12)​Air Cdre ​SA ​Yushau (Rtd)
(13)​Air Cdre ​AO ​Ogunjobi
(14)​Air Cdre​ GMD ​Gwani
(15)​Air Cdre SO ​Makinde
(16)​Air Cdre AY ​Lassa​
(16)​Col ​​N ​Ashinze
(17)​Lt Col. ​MS ​Dasuki (Rtd)
Alex Badeh’s Property Seized By EFCC
Following the submission of the audit committee’s second interim report, President Buhari has  directed the EFCC to investigate the roles of the officers and the following companies and their directors in fundamental breaches associated with the procurements by the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) and the Nigerian Air Force (NAF).
(1)​Messrs Societe D’ Equipments Internationaux
(2) Himma Aboubakar
(3)​Aeronautical Engineering and Technical Services Limited
(4)​Messrs Syrius Technologies
(5) Dr Theresa A. Ittu
(6)​Sky Experts Nig Ltd
(7)Omenyi Ifeanyi Tony
(8)​Huzee Nig Ltd
(9)​GAT Techno Dynamics Ltd
(10) Gbujie Peter Obie
(11) Onuri Samuel Ugochukwu
(12)​Spacewebs Interservices Ltd
(13)Oguntoyinbo Tayo
(14) Oguntoyinbo Funmi.
(15) ​Delfina Oil and Gas Ltd
(16)Chief Jacobs Bola
(17)​Mono Marine Corporation Nig Ltd
(18)​Geonel Intergrated Services Ltd
(20)Sachi Felicia
(20) Mudaki Polycarp
(21)Wolfgang Reinl.

The breaches identified by the Audit Committee include non-specification of procurement costs, absence of contract agreements, award of contracts beyond authorised thresholds, transfer of public funds for unidentified purposes and general non-adherence to provisions of the Public Procurement Act.
Furthermore, the procurement processes were arbitrarily carried out and generally characterized by irregularities and fraud. In many cases, the procured items failed to meet the purposes they were procured for, especially the counter insurgency efforts in the North East.

A major procurement activity undertaken by ONSA for NAF  was that concerning the contracts awarded to Societe D’ Equipment Internationaux (SEI) Nig Ltd.
Between January  2014 and February  2015, NAF awarded 10 contracts totalling Nine Hundred and Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand, Six Hundred and Ninety US Dollars ($930,500,690.00) to SEI Nig Ltd.
Letters of award and End User Certificates for all the contracts issued by NAF and ONSA respectively did not reflect the contract sums. Rather, these were only found in the vendor’s invoices, all dated 19 March 2015. Additionally, some of the award letters contained misleading delivery dates suggesting fraudulent intent in the award process. The observed discrepancies are in clear contravention of extant procurement regulations.
The SEI contracts included procurement of two used Mi-24V Helicopters instead of the recommended Mi-35M series at the cost of One Hundred and Thirty Six Million, Nine Hundred and Forty Four Thousand US Dollars ($136,944,000.00).
However, it was confirmed that the helicopters were excessively priced and not operationally air worthy at the time of delivery. A brand new unit of such helicopters goes for about Thirty Million US Dollars ($30m).
Furthermore, the helicopters were delivered without rotor blades and upgrade accessories.
Additionally, the helicopters were undergoing upgrade while being deployed for operation in the North East without proper documentation. It was further established that as at date, only one of the helicopters is in service while the other crashed and claimed the lives of two NAF personnel.
​The Committee established that ONSA also funded the procurement of 4 used Alpha-Jets for the NAF at the cost of Seven Million, One Hundred and Eighty Thousand US Dollars ($7,180,000.00). However, it was confirmed that only 2 of the Alpha-Jet aircraft were ferried to Nigeria after cannibalization of engines from NAF fleet.

MASSOB theaten FG to release Kalu before Monday or

The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) on Friday, January 15, issued the federal government an ultimatum demanding the release of the director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, no later than Monday, January 18.

 Image result for photos of nnamdi kaluImage result for photos of nnamdi kalu
According to a statement by Samuel Edeson, MASSOB director of information, and Ibem Ugwuoke Ibem, MASSOB national secretary, the organization threatened to organize protests and massive demonstrations across the south-east and south-south as well as in America, Europe and Asia.
The group reminded that Kanu was being remained in detention even after the Federal High Court, Abuja, ordered his unconditional release.
The MASSOB, however, maintained that their protests would be non-violent. “Our members at home and in diaspora are prepared for a massive demonstration, protest and a civil disobedience against the continued detention of Nnamdi Kanu (IPOB Leader) starting from Monday, January 18, 2016,” the statement says.
“MASSOB also directs former members in Ralph Uwazurike’s BIM to join and participate in the non violent world wide demonstration against Nnamdi Kanu’s continued detention as a mark of Love and respect for Biafra,” it further says.
The organisation also used the opportunity to condemn the statement credited to the Anglican Arch-Bishop of Enugu Province, Most Rev. Emmanuel Chukwuma, to the effect that their agitation for actualisation of a Biafra Republic was “misguided and misdirected”. The group insisted that their agitation was borne out of a genuine desire by the Igbos to have a country of their own.

Giant glass shoe church of Taiwan


A 16m-high (55ft) glass church in the shape of a high-heeled shoe has been built in Taiwan, apparently in a bid to attract more women.

A huge glass... what?

Yes, you read that right: a glass church, shaped just like a vast high-heeled shoe as if lost by a titan Cinderella while racing through the coastal province of Chaiyi.
Made out of over 320 tinted glass panels, the shiny blue building measures more than 10m (36ft) wide and cost about T$23m (US$686,000 £477,000).

glass shoe

Aerial footage taken in the area also showed the size and scale of the waterfront church, including an open blue stage with spotlights.
It's set to open its doors to the public on 8 February, just in time for Chinese New Year.

Who was the shoe-maker?

It is the creation of local government officials in the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area, a prominent tourist area in Taiwan, which decided to build it last June.
But Pan Tsuei-ping, the administration's recreation section manager, told the BBC that the church will not be used for regular services, but pre-wedding photo shoots and wedding ceremonies.
"In our planning, we want to make it a blissful, romantic avenue… Every girl imagines how they will look like when they become the bride," Ms Pan told the BBC.

The shoe was inspired by a local story. According to officials in the 1960s, a 24-year-old girl surnamed Wang from the impoverished region suffered from Blackfoot disease. Both of her legs had to be amputated, leading to the cancellation of her wedding. She remained unmarried and spent the rest of her life at a church.
The high heel is intended to honour her memory.

To attract women?

This does appear to be the reason behind the design.
"There will be 100 female-oriented features in the church like maple leaves, chairs for lovers, biscuits and cakes," government spokesman Zheng Rongfeng is quoted as saying in local media.


"It will be tailored to women, especially female tourists visiting the area."

What women want (and actually think)

It has not been an unqualified success, at least on social media. One Taiwanese netizen wrote on popular Taiwanese online forum PTT, "Besides copying, what kind of standard does this church have?"
Women apparently don't all want glass slippers. From another user: "Why don't people say that it's objectifying women this time…"
Comments streamed in from China too: "What were the authorities thinking when they commission such a hideous-looking building in the area? It's just disrespectful," said one user on popular Chinese microblogging site Weibo.
Another user Jessie Chou said, perhaps with some disdain: "I wear flip flops anyway".
But some female users leapt to its defence: "If the shoe fits, why not wear it? I like it, it looks better than most modern churches anyway," said Lao Fu Qing.
Another user from Shandong province said: "Most girls love fairytales, it's great that officials want to focus on women for once."